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Migrant & Multilingual

Helping students meet high academic challenges by overcoming obstacles

Our Migrant and Multilingual office oversees the state and federal programs that help migrant, immigrant and refugee students and youth in our district meet high academic challenges by overcoming obstacles created by frequent moves, educational disruption, cultural and language differences and health-related problems.


Parent Notifications

Family Resources

Immigrants & Refugees

Students who meet the following eligibility standards are defined as immigrants:

  • Children/youth ages 3 through 21.
  • Born outside of the United States and its territories.
  • Have attended school in the United States for less than three full academic years.

Student eligibility is verified from a student's enrollment forms and a Home Language Survey completed by parents/guardians.

Contact the district's Immigrant Support Coordinator at (509) 222-5094 about services and resources available to immigrant and refugee families and their children.

Welcome To Kennewick School District Videos

Arabic | Russian | Somali

Interpretation Services

The district offers interpretation in Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Somali, Karen and Burmese to help parents in communicating with their child's school. Contact Maria Gonzalez to request assistance: email or (509) 222-6694.

Sarah Del Toro
Director of Learning Programs and Supports
(509) 222-6491

Maria Gonzalez
Secretary, Migrant/Multilingual
(509) 222-6694

Gabbie Rios
Secretary Parent Liaison
(509) 222-6615

Christina Mendoza
Migrant Recruiter
(509) 222-5109

Alejandra Anguiano
Migrant Recruiter
(509) 222-5919

Mayra Torres
Data & Support Specialist
(509) 222-5284

Elizabeth Seymour De Cortes
Migrant Health Nurse
(509) 222-5261

Raul Chavez
Migrant Mental Health Therapist
(509) 222-6967

Alondra Gonzalez
Migrant Mental Health Therapist
(509) 222-7771

Hsa Wah Shee
Immigrant & Refugee Coordinator
(509) 222-5094