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Capital Projects

Building Great Schools and Community

At KSD, we want to build safe schools and engaging learning environments where students and educators can be their best. Guided by the Kennewick School District's Capital Facilities Plan 2018-2028, the Capital Projects Department works to meet the needs of our community by sustaining, planning and improving buildings and facilities in our district. 

Current Projects

Tri-Tech Skills Center Logo

Modernization of the original 66,000 square foot area of the Tri-Tech facility built in 1981. The modernization would include energy and life safety improvements along with a reorganization of the 41-year-old spaces to satisfy current programs.

Completed Projects

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Department Contacts

main phone number: (509) 222-7024

Ryan Jones
Capital Projects Manager
(509) 222-6810

Dustin Fisk
Project Coordinator
(509) 222-7024