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Immigrant Students

Students’ Right to Public Education in Washington State

As a public school system, Kennewick School District has a constitutional and moral obligation to provide a free, high-quality public education to all students residing within their boundaries. State and federal law prohibit public school districts from discriminating on the basis of race, color, or national origin. State law further prohibits discrimination on the basis of citizenship or immigration status. 

Under state and federal law, our schools may not:

  1. Deny admission to a student during initial enrollment or at any other time on the basis of the student’s citizenship status. 
  2. Treat a student differently to determine residency in the district. 
  3. Engage in any practices to "chill" the right of access to school. 
  4. Require students or parent(s)/guardian(s) to disclose or document their immigration status. 
  5. Make inquiries of students or parent(s)/guardian(s) that may expose their undocumented status.

Student Attendance Requirements 
Kennewick School District, under the Washington State Constitution, must provide education for all children residing within the borders of the state in a non-discriminatory manner. Further, state law prohibits school districts from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, citizenship, or immigration status. Like all children in Washington, undocumented students that are 8 years of age and younger than 18 must be enrolled in school or another approved education program. Preschoolers, including undocumented children, may participate in educational programs offered by their resident school district if they meet the eligibility criteria.

Immigration Enforcement on School Campuses 
Kennewick School District and its schools must not initiate engagement with federal immigration authorities for the purpose of sharing student information. School districts may participate in the exchange of information with law enforcement to the extent permitted by federal law, such as when directed by court order or pursuant to any lawfully issued subpoena. Parent(s)/guardian(s) and students shall be notified by the school district of all such orders or subpoenas in advance of compliance with them, except as provided in RCW 13.40.480.

Should immigration authorities initiate engagement with a school district, the school staff district must follow the steps that are outlined in state guidance:

  1. School staff shall immediately alert and direct the person to the school principal or designee.
  2. The principal or designee shall request that any person desiring to communicate with a student, enter school grounds, or conduct an arrest first produce a valid court order or judicial warrant.
  3. The principal will forward the request to the district superintendent and/or legal counsel.
  4. The district superintendent and/or legal counsel will review the court order or judicial warrant for signature by a judge and validity.

Schools shall not permit access to information, records, or areas beyond that specified in the court order, judicial warrant, or other legal requirement.

We will continue to welcome and serve all students in Kennewick School District.